
Flywheel Compatibility

Note: This exclusion only needs to be done on the server where you have SureFeedback installed (your dashboard site). You don’t need to add these cache exclusions on your connected sites!

If you host your site on Flywheel, you may encounter some issues with the Client Site Plugin and Access Links. This is due to aggressive page caching (which is a good thing!), but it can be easily resolved by requesting that Flywheel set up special cache exceptions.

To do this, simply submit a support ticket to Flywheel via their support portal and ask them to exclude a few URL query variables from the cache. 

Send them a link to this doc, so they can add these exclusions to your server configuration:


Legacy Servers Varnish Exclusions:

if (req.url ~ "(ph_apikey|access_token)") { return (pass); }

Cloud Sites NGINX configuration:

location / {
# Clear expires headers that the SureFeedback plugin sets on pages
    more_clear_headers expires;

# Unset cookies for unspecified paths, with the option for exceptions
header_filter_by_lua_block {
    if ngx.req.get_method() ~= "POST" and 
-- Path exclusions, including query strings in the regex area 
    ngx.re.match(ngx.var.request_uri, "(add-to-cart|access_token|ph_apikey)", "io") == nil then
  ngx.header['Set-Cookie'] = ""
    ngx.header["cache-control"] = "private"
    include internal-proxy.conf; 
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