
Emails Not Sending

SureFeedback uses the default WordPress wp_mail function to send emails for mockup and website actions. If you feel you still aren’t getting emails, keep in mind the following:

1. You won’t receive emails for your own actions.

If you’re approving/commenting/resolving comments, SureFeedback won’t send email updates to yourself. When someone comments/approves/resolves SureFeedback sends emails to everyone else on the project except yourself! This prevents you from getting unnecessary emails.

2. Default WordPress email deliverability is hit-and-miss. 

Many spam filters, especially Gmail, treat emails sent from unverified emails with suspicion. This is with good reason. Servers can be set up to auto-generate and send thousands of spam emails per hour. Sometimes popular mail clients won’t let your mail come through because it’s sent directly from a WordPress server and not an email provider.

To ensure proper email delivery, we always recommend using SMTP to send your emails. This sends emails directly from an email provider, rather than your hosting server. There’s an awesome, free plugin that we recommend!

Once you install, you can walk through the setup wizard to use an SMTP provider (Gmail or another provider that uses SMTP). In addition to sending emails, it will also log all emails sent so you can keep track if there are delivery problems.

If you’re still having issues with email, contact support and we’d be happy to help!

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