
Project Shortcode

Note: This documentation is for versions 3.2.0 and higher. For version 3.1.x and below, please check out the old shortcode documentation.


The project shortcode lets you embed a specific project on a page so a user can see progress, comments and more. While you can share direct links from the dashboard shortcode, a project shortcode will display a project with a specific id on the page.

[ph_project id=4]

Adding the Shortcode

You can add a shortcode to any page or post you like. To add a shortcode, place the following code onto a page or post, where the ID is the ID of the project:

[ph_project id=4]

Finding a Project ID

If you’re looking for the ID of a specific project, you can find it on your WP Admin Dashboard by navigating to SureFeedback > Mockups or SureFeedback > Websites (depending on what type of project it is). Once you see a list of Mockups or Websites, click the name of the project or website you’re wanting to use in the shortcode. Once you are on the Edit Website or Edit Mockup page, look in the URL of your browser, and you should see something that looks like this:


The post= part will show you the ID, in this case it’s 5670:

https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/post.php?post= 5670&action=edit

Then add this to the ph_project shortcode to display this on your site page:

[ph_project id=5670]

Shortcode Options

There are several other options for displaying the shortcode that lets you tweak what functionality is included.

id (required)The ID of the project you want to display.
columnsThe number of columns to show for mockup project grids. Defaults to 3.
per_pageThe number of projects to show per page. Defaults to 9.


If you only want to show a mockup project with an ID of 4, 12 images per page in 2 columns.

[ph_project id=4  per_page=12 columns=2]

How Permissions Work

If the user is not logged in, a WordPress login form will display. If they do not have access to the project, an alert will tell them they don’t have permission to access the project.

Upgrading from 3.1.x

If you are upgrading from 3.1.x, the project_huddle shortcode will function the same as the new ph_project shortcode. This is so the project_huddle will still display things, but the options won’t be the same. If you have an existing project_huddle shortcode, you’ll need to update the options to match these new options.

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