

This action runs after a new website thread is published.


  • $post_ID – (int) Post ID.
  • $thread – (WP_Post) Post object for the thread.


function my_project_created_send_email( $post_id, $thread) {
	$thread_url = get_permalink( $post_id );
	$subject = 'A new conversation has been started.';

        // get webpage id (parent_id)
	$webpage_id = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'parent_id', true);

	$message = " A new conversation has been started on "  . get_the_title($webpage_id) . ". \n\n";
	$message .="View it" . $post_url;

	// Send email to admin.
	wp_mail( '[email protected]', $subject, $message );
add_action( 'ph_website_publish_thread', 'my_project_created_send_email', 10, 3 );
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