
Auto-Close Mockup Comment After New Comment

In some cases, you’ll want to automatically close the comment bubble when you submit a new comment to speed up your workflow. You can modify this using the built-in javascript hooks on the comment view.

First you’ll want to create a new blank javascript file. Let’s call it my-close-after-comment.js. Inside the file, we’ll add this code:

    $(document).ready(function() {

         * Hook into ImageView initialize method
        wp.hooks.addAction('Huddle.CommentView.initialize', function (view) {

         * Extend the original comment view
         * Here we can add our own functions, events, whatever we like.
        _.extend(Huddle.CommentView.prototype, {
            // add message function
            messageAfterFirstComment: function () {
                this.listenTo(this.model.items, 'successOnSave', function () {
                    // (optional) wait a specific amount of time
                        this.model.trigger( 'hideClick', this );
                    }, this), 500);

Here we’re hooking into the comment thread view’s initialize function and listening for the successful comment submission event. When an comment is successfully added, we’ll wait a half a second (500 milliseconds) and close the box.

Then, add your script to the  ProjectHuddle Project page to add this to your projects.

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